Webinar Übersicht
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2025-3 Webinar - Mögliche Klinische Anwendungen für KL-6 bei Interstitiellen und Seltenen Lungenerkrankungen
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für den Biomarker Krebs von den Lungen (KL-6)

Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für den Biomarker Krebs von den Lungen (KL-6)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Francesco Bonella
Ruhrlandklinik, Universitätsmedizin Essen
2025-2 Webinar - Haemoglobinopathy and Laboratory investigation - Level 3
Level 3 webinar look at the presence of multiple factors simultaneously affecting the Hbopathy results followed by rare case reports.

Haemoglobinopathy and Laboratory investigation Level 3
Dr. Sukhjinder Marwah
Sandwell General Hospital
2025-1 Webinar - Haemoglobinopathy and Laboratory investigation - Level 2
Level 2 webinar look the causes which influence the level of Hb fractions- HbF , HbA2 and HbA, provide guideline for the differential diagnosis and interpretation of the case reports.

Haemoglobinopathy and Laboratory investigation Level 2
Dr. Sukhjinder Marwah
Sandwell General Hospital
2024-16 Webinar - Haemoglobinopathy and Laboratory investigation - Level 1
Level 1 webinar about Haemoglobinopathy and Laboratory investigation

This Level 1 webinar about Haemoglobinopathy and laboratory investigation is split into 2 parts, Part A is covering the science, will look at the biology pathophysiology in reference to sickle cell disease and thalassemias. Part B will be an insight in the laboratory methodology for investigation of haemoglobinopathies with reference to HPLC, particularly Tosoh G11. We will look at some of the normal and abnormal chromatograms to help us with the interpretation of the results.
Dr. Sukhjinder Marwah
Sandwell General Hospital
2024-12 Webinar Tosoh Diagnostic Forum_Tosoh G11 Hemoglobinopathy mode: Background information and handling
Tosoh G11 Hemoglobinopathy mode: Background information and handling

Tosoh G11 Hemoglobinopathy mode: Background information and handling
Andrew Grange
Tosoh Bioscience Limited